Minggu, 06 Maret 2011

What Happens When My Parents Gone

This is my sister.
She likes to wear my parents clothes.
This morning, my dad and my mom went to Malang to someone's wedding. And they'll be back tomorrow night. So, as the oldest girl in the house, I should take care of my older brother and my younger sister. And I also have to clean the house, wash the dishes, cook and be a maid/servant/housemaid for one day. Yeah, I know. Poor me..

This is my brother. He plays Nintendo DS. 

This is my sister again.
She always bring a lot of book and she always says
 that she's going to read them all.
When my parents gone. We always do whatever we want, do the things that we can't do when my parents home. But usually we just mess around, watch TV, and sleep. Haha.. 
But in the end,
she never reads it, she always fell asleep or pretending that
she works in a bookstore
Ok. Let's just hope I can survive 'till tomorrow...
